A Room with an Otaku Moose

…I’ll leave you to your Otaku moosey fate.



Thanks for coming to read about who I am. Here is a little basic  info about me:

Name: OtakuMoose (I also go by Kaizu or Zuzu)

RL Name: Forrest

Distance along Life’s Journey: 17 Years

Intrests: Anime, Manga, Video Games (mostly RPGs), figure collecting, Japan, cooking, drawing, music

Occupation: Student/Food Service/Otaku

Contact me:
E-mail: Raziel221 at hotmail dot com (Spam-bot preventative email description…I hope ^_^)
MSN messenger: same as email
Yahoo messenger: Solidus9909 at yahoo dot com

Hmm, well I guess you could call me a nerd/geek and that would cover just about anything I do or am in to. I prefer sitting inside and playing around on my computer, reading a book, watching anime, or playing video games instead of playing sports or anything highly physical. Although I do get out on a regular basis  and am not a antisocial shut-in. 😛 I current work in food service at a cafe near my house, and although it is less than awesome work, it pays the bills…and by bills, I mean figures/video games/ect. ^_^ I am a senior in highschool at the moment and am taking Japanese courses over the summer to hopefully get myself prepared for when/if I go to Japan. I just recently decided that I would like to start a blog…although I hate calling it that since “blog” sounds like some creature that crawled out of some old pudding that had been rotting in the bottom of my fridge for a year. @_@

I am basically starting this…blog…to just vent about things that go on in my daily life, what I care about, and maybe entertain some people in the process. I will be writing reviews about anime I watch, figures I get (being pretty broke all the time, this usually won’t be often), video games I am currently playing, and just interesting things that go on during my life. I can tend to be quite cynical with my posts, as I would rather talk about something realistically, then be all nice and praise everything without seeing the flaws.
