A Room with an Otaku Moose

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Posts Tagged ‘wtf’

Lucky~Star….what in the hell?

Posted by OtakuMoose on May 7, 2009

Lucky Star Gang

Howdy Everyone,

To celebrate my first ever blog post, I will be doing a “review” of the first episode of Lucky☆Star.
I know a million people have probably done reviews on this anime, and I am pretty late on hopping on the bandwagon of interest with this series, but to be honest…I am kind of glad I haven’t. -_-

Warning: If you really love this anime, then turn back now, because there be a cynical and less than praising review in the distance! Yar! Well, there be a little bit of praise as well. ^_^

Okay, so last night I was doing an ass-load of schoolwork because I am an epic procrastinator and halfway finished, I decide I would like to see what all the fuss is about with Lucky☆Star, since I am always seeing people buying figures of the characters. So I take a break, load up episode one, and get to watching. Now, this may be due to the fact that it was around 5am and I was half-zombified from lack of sleep and excruciatingly boring schoolwork…but!…Lucky☆Star came across as one of the most fucking retarded anime I have EVER seen!! I mean, don’t get me wrong here, I am not a mainstream anime otaku, hardly that, and I enjoy the smaller and stranger anime that are out there compared to all the mainstream ones, i.e. Bleach, Naruto, DBZ, One Piece, etc. And I have watched some damn well ridiculous anime before, like FLCL for instance, but they were at least MOSTLY entertaining and enjoyable to watch!

I will admit that the opening wasn’t all that bad. The song is pretty catchy and fun to listen to. Looking back, the OP was almost like a fully accurate foreshadowing of the ridiculousness of the episode…oh well, live and learn.

The anime started off all fine and dandy, and I was intrigued by the kawaii character designs. I though to myself as it showed Kona and Tsukasa on the track field, “okay, anime about the lives of some high school girls, this should be pretty funny and cute, as anime usually go.” Dear god was I wrong. From the moment the discussion about all the ways to eat/cook food began, I knew something was seriously wrong about this anime. I am no stranger to typical anime scenarios, and this conversation did not surprise me, I actually enjoyed it at first with the little pictures and character animations to go along with what they were discussing. Plus, the fact that were pulling food out of nowhere like there was some portal to the dimension-of-tasty-treats sitting under Kona’s desk…but I sure as hell didn’t expect it to go on for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!!! @_@ No joke, I went back and timed it from the beginning to the end…4 minutes 57 seconds…that is just ridiculously too long! During this whole scene I thought:
One~The writers must have been REALLY short on ideas to waste about 1/4 of the anime on a conversation that was nothing but unfunny, poorly written nonsense.
Two~During said conversation, I felt the need to stab my own eyes out with a rusty pickaxe in frustration at having to sit through it…sadly, there were none in close reach. >.<

The anime goes on to just show typical nonsensical conversations between the girls, with no serious storyline, plot elements, or general direction to the show. It was, for all intents and purposes, a typical schoolgirl/comedy/random-shit-that-doesn’t-make-sense anime.

Me during most of this episode...

Me during most of this episode...

But wait! There are some good points to this anime, and I couldn’t call myself a reviewer of sorts without seeing both sides of the coin. Since I am kind of tired of typing and have to get some things done, I will show the pro’s of the show in a list format.

~Some entertaining facial expressions that made me smile a bit.
~Very cute character designs and art. (what can I say, I am a sucker for kawaii girls in anime XD)
~Kona loves video games and anime and makes references to them during certain conversations. (One of the main reasons I found any enjoyment in this anime)
~…ummm…did I mention the magic portal to the dimension-of-tasty-treats?

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed my rant about Lucky☆Star! Even though I was compelled to tell my Saber figure to jam her swords into my eyes and ears during most of the episode, I will continue to give this anime a chance, and hopefully it will get better. Expect another rant about this, though maybe not so long, if I find anything else maddening about the anime. =P


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